If you haven't hidden / placed the rock on the map yet:

  1. The rock should be in [Create] --> Rocks in Progress
  2. Scroll through the Rocks in Progress list to find your rock
  3. Tap [Edit] -- this should bring up the Edit screen for your rock
  4. Scroll to the bottom of that screen -- the Rock Code should be there

If you have hidden / placed the rock on the map:

  1. The rock should be in [My Albums] --> [My Hidden Rocks]
  2. Scroll through the My Hidden Rocks album to find your rock
  3. Tap on the Rock -- this should bring up the Rock Details screen for your rock
  4. Scroll down and tap on [Edit Details] -- this should bring up the Edit screen for your rock
  5. Scroll to the bottom of that screen -- the Rock Code should be there